9 reviews by Randar..
Pro Wrestling

From: Randar
Comments: A good game to play with a friend. Weak ending and repetitiveness kinda brought it down a bit. Orient Express!


Parlour Games

From: randar
Comments: Good pool game, okay darts...hardly ever played Bingo. The chicks were hot, the one in the red dress having a slight edge over the blonde. I bought this game and "The Ninja" for ten bucks from a kid on my bus. They didn't have cases or instructions, and he later raised the price to $10 each...which I never payed him. He tried to fight me. Memories.



From: randar
Comments: The pyramid is confusing. The only way I finally completed it after I painstaking mapped it out. A very different and cool game.



From: randar
Comments: I had this game forever and couldn't beat Drago. I borrowed my friend's rapid fire unit and knocked the living shit out of him. I know it was cheating...but it was so satisifying.


Basketball Nitemare

From: randar
Comments: I rented this game and completed it. You could shoot the ball from almost anywhere on the court and it would go in once you got the technique down. Not the greatest game, but a neat idea.


World Games

From: randar
Comments: I felt bad for not liking this game because I got it for my birthday. There were only four events (I could be wrong...it's been a long time since I've played it). Caber toss, barrel jumping, log rolling, and bull riding. There wasn't much to it. The bull riding was probably the most fun comparatively, but that's not saying much. Sorry Mum...



From: randar
Comments: My dad used to hang out in my room for hours - smoking, farting, and playing Shanghai. I bet if I ever go to Shanghai, it will smell like shit and cigarettes. Did anyone ever finish the puzzle with the flipped-over tiles? Overall...a decent game.


Alex Kidd in Miracle World

From: randar
Comments: I used to be able to beat this game without dying. Among the best sms games bar none.



From: randar
Comments: Best game ever. I wanted to BE a White Knight when I was young. I was one of the idiots that didn't realize the "symbols" were numbers. I had names for them all...fish, glasses, heart, zero. It wasn't until I saw the same symbols on a Simpsons episode years later that I realized. I still play it from time to time. A trick to get more time for the trek back to the ship: once you beat the cyborg/dragon thing at the end, go back to the main computer and cancel the explosion. Then, enter the code again, the monster won't be there the second time - and your time will have reset. Also: If you pause the game at the end when the TopDream logo appears, after a minute a quiet, musak-like version of the ending will play. I'm gonna go play it right now!
