2 reviews by TheMethod..

From: TheMethod
Comments: This game really isn't as terrible as previous claims have made it out to be. I would go as far to say that most people who rated it poorly never made it past the first level, nor did they even play it long enough to TRY and make it past the first level. Cmon people, there are only 5 levels. The game does have some pretty killer graphics for the SMS, but don't get discouraged by the difficulty. Just shoot and duck. And when the enemy is behind you, run like hell. Its not impossible. Nor is it that great. Its actually a pretty bland game.


The Ninja

From: TheMethod
Comments: The ninja is a pretty addictive game and you can get good enough to make it through without dying, but where the FUCK are all those damn secret scrolls. "You can't save the princess til you have all the scrolls", what the hell. Who needs scrolls to save the princess? That little bitch deserves to be kidnapped.
