4 reviews by dib..
Double Dragon

From: dib
Comments: Not bad as a game in its own right, but as a conversion this is complete bollocks and irritating bollocks at that. For some reason the designers made it almost impossible to pull off all the cool arcade moves like kneeing people in the face and stuff. Arse.


After Burner

From: dib
Comments: I though this game was a complete load of arse when I first played it, but then a had a blast when I came home really fucking stoned one night and its weird hypnotic qualities grabbed me and I really enjoyed it. Not one to try when you're straight.


Alien Syndrome

From: dib
Comments: yeah yeah, it's hard as nails, but then so was the arcade machine (and it's got no continue feature either). Good translation of an average shooter.


Fantasy Zone 2

From: dib
Comments: ...so then one day someone put three thousand tabs of acid in the sega coffee. This is the result. It's fucked-up but it still rocks.
