5 reviews by unitman..
Ys: The Vanished Omens

From: unitman
Comments: lol, still checking Swift, you on any other live forums?


Ys: The Vanished Omens

From: unitman
Comments: I laugh at this too, some how I always come back to this page just to check out if you ever got my comment swift. I am amazed that this sit still exists and gets the odd review, but sill ranks high when I search some sega related


Ys: The Vanished Omens

From: unitman
Comments: sorry swift, missed your question. Do you mean the animated series? Or do you mean the games? The animated series was simple called "Ancient book of Ys" with the second one called "Castle in the Heavens" well worth a look if you find it.


Ys: The Vanished Omens

From: unitman
Comments: This game is called Ys and not Y's (common mistake due to this version having a mistake in the manual). This game was great for its time and had a great story. The music was a highlight. I tracked down the animated series that was inspired by this game. It followed the games pretty much from beginning to end.


World Cup USA 94

From: unitman
Comments: This game was ok for a sports game, but there are a lot better games out there.
