Sega Master System Museum


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Double Dragon

From: GQ   (more)     Date: 2002-11-28
Comments: I bought Double Dragon the other day and was disappointed. Its the sort of game that probably becomes addictive after a while but takes a long time to get into. It's one of those sms games that's showing its age. Probably more fun in 2 player mode.


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Comments CAPTCHA fixed (after 5 years)

2019-12-24 07:20:27

Thanks to a fine user who notified me that the CAPTCHA image was just broken text so one could no longer review games.

This is now fixed. This ancient website continues to exist, sorry internet.


Analogue Mega SG Power Base Converter

2019-03-27 20:08:53

Here lies the 2nd update in over a decade.

The Mega SG came out, including a ton of reviews.

No one seemed to test it with the Power Base Converter though.

Since I modded mine in the 90s to fit a Genesis Model 2, i thought I'd test it out. Turns out it works just fine, including Sega Cards. A few more photos on imgur.


Sort games by ratings

2015-02-21 12:20:09

Wow, I updated the site after almost 10 years. Simple page that lists games by ratings!


Average Game Ratings added

2006-08-30 22:23:23

I've added a quick little thing to show the average rating of all games in the games list! This also shows up on the game page itsself. Also, there's a count on the front page on how many spam-bot posts have been prevented since CAPTCHA was implemented.


More user comments on front page

2006-08-21 13:11:22

I've added it to show the last 3 days worth of comments, instead of just the last one. It also now shows the total number of comments added, instead of the total number of games that received comments.

Also, when you click on one of the comment links from the Recent Comments box, it will take you right to the comment.


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