From: Rick (more)
Comments: There isn't a page for the Master System iteration of Monopoly, but I would like to relate this story so I'll put it here. I remember very clearly the meeting wherein many of the gameplay mechanics were being mooted for the first time. I was not one of the creative types; I was there to represent the business side of things, the bean-counters, if you will, and I will admit being on the wrong side of history on this one. I was pretty strongly against the moves that Parker Brothers had been making into the digital realm and I made my feelings known. This was right before I left for S.C. Johnson. Anyway, Jerry was having none of it, as usual. I guess it comes down to me overvaluing the level of tangible, tactile engagement that players have with boardgames versus video games, especially the videos games of the time. I was particularly upset about the movement of the game pieces in the game and said something to the effect of "I don't like how it looks" and Jerry stood up and yelled "do you like how this looks?" and exposed his penis to me and everyone in the meeting, but mostly to me because I was directly across from him at the table. Doris reflexively screamed but everyone else sat stone-faced and silent knowing that a reaction, any reaction, was exactly what Jerry wanted. Jerry put himself back together and sat back down. It's sad looking back that it didn't elicit more of a response. It just wasn't an unusual thing for Jerry to have done in a meeting. That's what the workplace culture had degenerated to by that point. So Jerry sat back down and said, for emphasis, "You like the look of that, faggot?" and at that I did respond. I said, "Jerry, don't use that word. It would be one thing if Carl wasn't here, but he is. It's insulting and offensive". Then Carl glares at me and says, "I'm not gay". Louise and I look at each other and I look back at Carl and just say, "Carl, come on, man". And then he starts trying to make his case even though everybody knew. "I'm not gay! I'm engaged to Mindy, you know". I said, "Yeah, I do know, Carl. I know Mindy. We all know Mindy. She works in H.R. in this very building. Her entire social circle is in this building. She likes men. She dates men." He tried to insist, of course, repeating that they were engaged and I just said, "We know you're gay. Most of us don't care, Carl. We played along with the engagement for the sake of office harmony, but we know. We all know". He sulked for the rest of the meeting, but did come out officially a few months later. The interesting thing, that I didn't know at the time, that I don't think that any of us knew, was that Jerry was gay. Beneath all of the alpha-male bullshit and posturing, he was a really mixed-up guy. Twenty years after the fact and after this meeting, he actually called me up and thanked me for, in a small way, helping him to come out and accept himself for who he is. I was still in Racine at the time and got a call from him out of the blue. I guess he had gotten my number from my ex-wife through his ex-wife. They had always been close with one another, far closer than Jerry and I had every been. Portia, my ex (and, yes, her actual given name is Portia) had given Nancy my address and phone number even though her and I hadn't meaningfully talked since our son's suicide. It was just too painful after that. Anyway, Jerry called and said that what I had done during that meeting had helped him come to terms with his sexuality. Jerry being who he is had to take a shot at me for what he described as me "outing" Carl but I let it slide because it was a genuinely touching thing to hear from him. Not to belabor it, though, everyone knew that Carl was gay. We both promised to stay in touch after that, but I think we both knew we wouldn't and we haven't. The games, I guess, have worked out. I would follow the happening of my old employer for a while but I eventually lost interest. I honestly thought it would mean more to people to physically hold those game pieces in your hands, to move them with your hands, to pick up and read the cards, count your money...all that stuff. And now it's all reduced to pixels on a screen.
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Capacity probably.
Rating: n/a
From: Rain (more)
Comments: This is a great game, as all trivial pursuit games are. only thing is once you play it often you start to know all the answers making the game no fun anymore. im not sure if it was laziness, or the systems capacity, but if this had the amount of questions as the bord game, then it'd be one of the best sms titles
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: What a good couple story Perry. Your bitch must have been a fun one to agree to these sort of games.
Rating: n/a
From: Perry (more)
Comments: My second wife and I used to play our own version of Trivial Pursuit wherein each time a person earned a wedge, the other person would have to perform a certain act. In my case, every time she got a wedge, I'd have to chow her box until she reached orgasm. She could have asked for anything, but that was what she always wanted me to do. In her case, every time I earned a wedge, I got to pick out an object for her to insert into her vagina. To be sure, she had a limited veto power over the objects with regard to size and shape, but she was always a real gamer when it came to shoving things up her snatch. Funny how both of us picked something to do her pussy as a reward of sorts. We both did love her pussy, though.
Rating: n/a
From: The Petester (more)
Comments: Let's make it an even 50 posts on this, a red letter day, for this forgotten corner of the internet where two, count 'em, two different people showed up.
Rating: n/a
From: Paul (more)
Comments: Played this via an emulator a few years ago. It short it's a bit too British. Nothing wrong with Britain, per se, but there are an awful lot of questions that begin with, "What English county..." or some such shit.
Rating: n/a
From: aaaaaaa (more)
Comments: Enter your name as Bob Saget and you get a secret clip of ...... lj cut
From: Semen (more)
Comments: This game is better than a fat, sloppy cunt in my mouth.
From: HOMO (more)
Comments: LOLOLOL
From: Jarvis (more)
Comments: fuckin'!
From: Andrew Jarvis (more)
Comments: Ummmmmm would not recommend, i bought this game, but didnt play it, and i had a party and all my friends came over so we could play it, did i neglect to mension i am a homo??
From: Bernardo (more)
From: toastlad (more)
Comments: I also owned the Commodore 64 version of this game which I prefered because it was an AUSTRALIAN edition with AUSTRALIAN questions as compared to the American version with questions about American presidents and other shit I could hardly care about. The one thing I absolutely loved about this game was the score card thingy which showed you a percentage rate on how well you were doing in each respective category. Genius!!! You could find out whether you were smart with science or thick as shit about history. Ha! Fab Party Game!
From: Eric (more)
Comments: Why didnt my Lightgun work with this game? I tried to kill that bird 100 times, but all I got was incorrect answers....stupid game...
From: chippydog (more)
Comments: Let me get this straigt you want to make a game where a bird in a suit asks you questions?
Sounds like a winner to me!What were they smoking at Domark that day?
A game based around the hugely succesfull board game of the same name. It was the only game that get the whole family to use the master system. As we sat there in front of the TV faces locked in pain as the Master System beeped and chirped out the national athem of Albania... It sounded more like a small bird beiing strangle.... Even the cat ( who used to tortur mice for fun ) looked at us as if to say "....Man you are cruel put the bird out of it's misery"
Well perhaps not but you get the drift of it. Graphics (what there are ) are funtional but the sound ouch. Still not the most common genre on any console and full marks for Domark pulling off an above average conversion. Worth a play if you can remeber the mid eighties to early ninties. Worth adding to your collection just so you can say you have a board game in your sms collection. Six Alex kids
From: ? (more)
Comments: heyplay it
From: ? (more)
Comments: ?
From: Dragonmaster X (more)
Comments: WHY??? WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY in the world would ANYONE want a game like this, well maybe somone outside of the states but what of you would get this for any price or even read this page anyway?
From: segacollection. (more)
Comments: I like this game. Its a game that finally makes a difference unlike those 'Sonic wannabe' platform games, sloppy Arcade conversions etc. The board game is better though ;) Segacollection.com