From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Once he can't move you are free to begin rape.
Rating: n/a
From: Sam (more)
Comments: First, you must roll the dolphin onto it's side.....
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Fucking right Roy why don't you start raping sexy women and violating female member of your families like everyone else here ? You sick bastard get out of here now!
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: Roy, this will be a bold statement, I know, but you are the sickest of sick fucks here. You really must be a vile and despicable person.
Rating: n/a
From: Rain (more)
Comments: Was plesantly suprised with this game. had a very slight rpg element to it. and was quite original and loads of fun at the time. still managed to complete it within a weekend. but one of sms' better games
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: As long as they rape the ugly and fat ones all is well for me. But I gotta say raping a women is manly so yes I should not hate them at all. We all only want to get laid, animals and us are the same om that aspect.
Rating: n/a
From: Roy (more)
Comments: You're welcome, dude. But I'd have figured you'd admire dolphins for the terrible little rapists they are...go figure.
Rating: n/a
From: Blublade (more)
Comments: I was wondering jeez why did no one mentionned Dolphin porn ? Here we go thanks Roy that page is now complete. I hate dolphin too, these bastards are actually the only animal aprart from humans who enjoy torturing others animals. They are also serials rapists and I kid you not some have already raped some human females. NO ONE RAPES MY FEMALES
Rating: n/a
From: Roy (more)
Comments: I don't hate dolphins, but what I do hate is how whenever I'm searching through bestiality and zoophilia websites for dolphin-related content, it always turns out to be some bitch at Sea World or somewhere swimming around a dolphin with no action whatsoever. One time, though, there was one at one of those pet a dolphin/touch a dolphin type touristy places (probably in the shithole that is Florida) and a chick is rubbing on a dolphin and it gets a boner. That's it, though. That's as good as it gets. And don't bother looking for videos of chicks fucking gorillas or chimps or that kind of shit, 'cause it just isn't out there, man. Besides, contrary to what many would think, the so-called "great apes" have way smaller junk than us humans. Is that why we're awesome and they're stuck eating leaves and bugs in some jungle? Probably.
Rating: n/a
From: Mark (more)
Comments: Anyone else hate dolphins? I don't know why, I just do. I'm in therapy.
Rating: n/a
From: Adam (more)
Comments: Great genesis translation!
From: zig Zug (more)
Comments: yay!
From: Fabiana (more)
Comments: Foi difícil descobrir o macete.. era lindo o jogo, mas eu achava meio triste as músicas. Tadinho, uma vez o Dolphin ficou preso na parede e tive que esperar ele morrer sem ar pra continuar.
From: :o) (more)
Comments: Dolphins and alien abduction- what could be better?