From: Paul (more)
Comments: No, I don't think that would be appropriate at all, but you are entitled to your opinion and I respect your viewpoint deeply.
From: Victor (more)
Comments: Might as well rename it to Krusty Kunt's Whore House
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: I guess even the Simpsons can be good in video games forma.
From: Rain (more)
Comments: This game is by far the best of any simpsons game i ever played. The others were all such dissapointments. then along came this, and i thought i was going to play another generic platformer, but i was pleasantly suprised to find that this is actually a great puzzle/platformer
From: Donny (more)
Comments: Not if they're nasty.
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Isn't it usually the winner who gets to have sex with the girl?
Rating: n/a
From: Donny (more)
Comments: Beginning on my fifteenth birthday, my dad and I would wrestle to see who would fuck my mother later that night. Due to his greater strength, Dad would usually win, thus I would have to have sex with my mom. It was okay.
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Yeah, maybe he got a brother like this or something ?
Rating: n/a
From: Paul (more)
Comments: You sure know a lot about sick, sexual stuff like that, Peter. A little too much....
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: Well, frankly I don't think anyone (other than the truly pathological) is really attracted sexually to THEIR actual mother. The reality is that these sick losers are fantasizing about some sort of hypothetical "hot" mom completely separate physically and emotionally from their real mom, thus not really breaking the almost universal incest taboo.
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Nope, I did not have much, if any at all. Maybe all these guys had the oedipus complex or something but seeing moms and more particularly their own moms in that light is freaking sick. I love my mom but I don't see her in any sexual light at all.
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: Are not sexual matters a large part of the human condition? Besides, if a couple of bullshit stories could destroy your faith in humanity, you couldn't have had much to begin with.
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: After reading these touching story I have lost all hope in humanity. Fuck you guys.
Rating: n/a
From: Derek (more)
Comments: Well, my own mom was never quite that, let's say "cool", but she did get pretty nonchalant herself when it came to boys and their burgeoning manly urges. Having two older brothers helped; by the time I came along (pun intended) she was so accustomed to the subject that any incriminating evidence of masturbation just wasn't that incriminating anymore. She'd change my sheets, stains and all, once a week without batting an eye. "That shit gets everywhere, doesn't it", she'd say. She always referred to cum as "shit" for some reason. It didn't seem to have a negative connotation behind it, it's just what she said. Anyway, she worked from home so she was always around after school or during the summer so there was little free time for a growing boy to whip it in peace, at least during the day. In defiance of this, or in defiance of basic decorum, my oldest brother John decided one day just to start pulling it in the living room like it was no big deal. I guess he figured that, if it was a big deal, mom would tell him so in no uncertain terms, and if it really wasn't a big deal he'd be able to jerk off any time he wanted. Well, mom was in and out of every room in the house throughout the day, flitting here and there as she worked so he was sure to get caught at some point. As he later told it, though, mom did, indeed, catch him in the act, stopping for just a second and mustering a rather quizzical, "oh, jeez" before continuing on her way with a chuckle. She was in and out of the room several more times before he "finished" having never said another word to him about it. For John, and for my other brother Mark and me, this was a sign that we could jerk it as much as we wanted, whenever we wanted. We also took as a signal of acceptance the box of tissues placed squarely in the middle of the living room coffee table. So while my brothers ushered in the new age of daytime masturbation with abandon, I was a bit more shy, as I was in most things. Several weeks had passed by when my mom actually asked me why I hadn't partaken in some of the afternoon delight (not her phrasing). I just said that I didn't really feel comfortable doing "it" in the open and with her around. She told me that it was fine to feel that way, but that it was perfectly okay if I really wanted to because it was perfectly natural, nothing to be ashamed of, and in no way made her uncomfortable if she happened to see it. My concern wasn't really HER comfort with the situation, but I was fifteen at the time and horny as hell so a couple days later, with my brothers at football practice and my mom seemingly busy in the kitchen, I decided to go for it. I whipped it out and started going like crazy and it wasn't even a minute before mom came in and saw me. She let out, "Oops, there you go" as I tried to cram my hardon back down into my jeans. "It's okay, it's okay" she said, with a, "don't mind me" as she darted back out of the room. It was kind of hard to concentrate on the matter at hand with her coming and going at any moment, but after a while I started feeling the feeling of an impending orgasm. A split second before I was going to grab some tissues from the table I heard, "get some Kleenex, Derek, I don't want your shit on the couch" from right behind me. I did, but my mom's voice scared away the orgasm for the time being and it took a couple minutes to get back to that point again. With impeccable timing yet again, my mother happened through just as the first spurts of cum shot into the clump of tissues. "Oops, thought you'd have been done by now" she said as she stopped by the couch as I sat helpless just feet away from her as remaining six or seven spurts of semen pulsed out into the tissue. "Had a lot saved up, didn't you?" she asked still just standing there, "here, I'll throw that away for you" she continued, pointing at the wad of tissues in my hand. I muttered an "uh, okay" and handed her the thoroughly soaked tissues. She started to go but then stopped and, grabbing another tissue from the box, said "wait, there's still some on your dick, here..." and held out the fresh tissue. Sure enough, there was still a pretty good glob on the head of my penis, but between having my mom watch me cum and hearing her refer to my dick as, well, a "dick" I just sat there until she said, "Here, I'm not doing it for you" and again offered the tissue. I took it and wiped the head of my "dick" and handed this last tissue to her. She took them into the bathroom and flushed them down the toilet before coming back to the couch and sitting down. For whatever reason, I was afraid that she thought I wanted her to touch me, that I was waiting for to do so, so I started to tell her, "I didn't want you to.." but she cut me off with, "I know, sweetie, I know. You're just shy. I shouldn't have stood there like that. I'm sorry, I just wanted to make sure you cleaned up. Guess you're tidier than your brothers" and with that she turned on the television and it was like nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Happily, in the next few years it was like nothing out of the ordinary had ever happened quite a bit.
Rating: n/a
From: Scott (more)
Comments: Yeah, well my own mom and me got to be pretty open about masturbation and sexual stuff, but none of my friend's moms were anything other than plain old moms. A couple of them were kind of hot, but I never got the least bit of action off them or around them. The closest I got was my friend Tim's mom, but she was just a tease. The worst kind of tease, in fact, the kind that knows she's teasing you but gets pissed at you for knowing it, too. She would flounce around all summer in tiny little bikinis and hang around with us by the pool, but then if you ever gave her more than a second long glance she'd glare at you like you were trying to cop a feel. There was plenty to steal a glance of, too. She had a tight, little body with an all-year tan and tasteful breast implants (meaning that they were there only to fight gravity, not to strain credulity). Once I was there with Tim and I guess my eyes lingered too long on her or something, because she barked, "You might as well just stand there and jerk off the way you're staring!" It was pretty clear that she wasn't serious about the offer, but she wasn't exactly joking either; she was actually pissed that a teenage boy would take a look at a half-naked woman, any woman. Regardless, I muttered a half-assed "sorry" while Tim laughed at me until his mother informed him that she was talking to the both of us. We just went inside after that. She did drink, so maybe that was part of it. So, yeah, my friend's moms sucked, at least in sexual exploration terms, not that I needed them with my own mom being as open with me as she was. It was never anything sick or incestuous between us, it was just that she knew I masturbated a lot and just wanted me to be comfortable doing it whenever the need arose, that's all. Sometimes we'd be watching tv and some scantily clad chick comes on-screen and starts shaking her bits or something (doesn't take much for a teenage boy, bit of cleavage, short skirt, almost anything) and, depending on the kind of pants I was wearing, my mom would sometimes notice my "predicament" and would say, "better take care of that" or something to that effect. It would happen quite a lot. At first, I go to my room and take care of it, but after a while I'd just whip it out and whip it good. Mom would usually leave after a minute or two and then come back with a napkin or tissue for clean up and then leave again so I could finish. Other times she'd sit down and read or watch tv, or maybe finish up chores she was doing before I started; she never watched me for more than a few seconds, if at all, but I came a lot faster with her around. One time I was going through the mail at the kitchen table while she was making dinner and noticed the old Victoria's Secret catalog. There was a time where that was as close to a young boy could get to porn, and I guess we both knew it because after looking through it for a minute, I felt I should get up and relieve some lingerie induced stress when my mom noticed my rather obvious trouser tent. She said, "Uh, oh, a problem like that isn't going to take care of itself." I kinda laughed and said "yeah" and started to leave the kitchen when she said, "no, no, just cum in the sink, there'll be less mess that way." I walked over to the sink and started beating it, but for whatever reason it was harder to do standing up than sitting or laying down and it was taking me a long time to "finish". My mom must have noticed, too, because after a while she asked, "Anything wrong, Scotty? What's taking so long this time?" I said I didn't know but that I wasn't used to doing it standing up. She then said, "Well, you keep going and I'll see what I can do to help you." I didn't know what to say or what helping me would entail, but I said okay. Then she said, "Okay, now close your eyes and concentrate on the good feelings you're giving yourself, then I'm going to help you cum for me. Do it for me, sweetie. Mommies are happy when their kids are happy, so make mommy happy by making yourself cum." Hearing what amounted to dirty talk from my mother didn't help at first, but after a bit it did start to get me hot; I just imagined the words coming from my mom's mouth were coming from a girl a school that I often stroked it over. She kept on, whispering "That's it sweetie, play with that nice cock. Cum for mommy. Mommy wants to see you cum. How much cum do you have for mommy? Let me see it, sweetie. Give mommy your cum. Mommy wants your cum, mommy needs your cum. Mommy needs it Scotty, mommy's so wet she needs your cum." With that, I shot perhaps the biggest load of my life into our stainless steel kitchen sink. Jet after jet pulsed out of my cock, my orgasm ending with an audible grunt and me saying "Oh....shit!" My mom, walking over to the sink, scolded "Language, Scotty!" but added, "Oh, that's a lot of cum, sweetie, that was a good one, wasn't it?" As I nodded, she grabbed my dick and pulled out the sink sprayer nozzle and used it to wash the remaining cum off my dick and then all of it down the drain. Then she let go and told me to go get ready for dinner. That was the only time she ever touched me in this kind of context, but she did get to were she would watch it more. Never did need her to "talk me through it" again, either. It was weird, especially the last, but it helps me finish to this very day.
Rating: n/a
From: Steve (more)
Comments: I'm always interested in hearing about those kinds of experiences, Scott. While my own mother and I were kind of on another level entirely, your mom sounds a lot like the mom of one of my best friends growing up. His name was Aaron and he had three older brothers, so I guess his mom (who was a real cutie, in a mom sort of way) was more accustomed to dried semen than a San Fernando Valley dry cleaner. We'd be in his room playing video games and she'd come in for the laundry and ask if his "special rag" needed to be cleaned again. Yeah, he used a rag for his, I just used tissues mostly. Her brazenness would also sort of embarrass him, but he'd always answer yes or no. If yes, she would go over to his nightstand and take it out of the top drawer. She'd always look it over and make some sort of cute little joke about how busy Aaron had been lately or that there was room for a couple more (I liked how she would try to include me, or at least I thought). Sweet woman, really sweet. Often we would watch tv in the family room of Aaron's house because it had a huge projection television, very cool for it's day. Anyway, his mom would be there sometimes, straightening up, dusting, folding laundry, reading, or whatever, and every once and a while she'd raise her head up and tell us that if we needed to "stroke off" to not mind her being there. The first time she ever said it, we just sheepishly laughed and said "okay" or something, but she would say it more and more often, one day finally adding that she wasn't kidding, that if we needed to do it, to just do it, no big deal. I was never much into masturbating with other guys present, but the idea intrigued me in the extreme. Part of me was curious if she was really serious about not minding (the look in her face either way would be priceless) and part of me (hell, most of me) just loved the idea of masturbating in front of woman and, on some level, for a woman. I asked Aaron one day about it and about whether his mom had ever seen him beat it. He said "no", but he said his older brothers used to do it out in the open all the time, he just preferred a certain basic privacy. That was all well and good, but the next time we were over at his house and his mom asked if we needed to, I decided I needed to and took out my cock and started to go at it. She said, "Oh, okay, nice one, Stephen. Do you want me to get you a towel or Kleenex or something?" I told her Kleenex would be fine; it was really weird to masturbate in front of two other people who were basically just sitting there doing nothing. She handed me the tissue and asked Aaron, "what about you, hon? Don't you need a cum?" Well, between my stroking and her questioning, the peer pressure became to much for Aaron and he took his dick out and started up, too. His mom said, "I'll go get your rag, sweetie" and ran upstairs and back down, well-used rag in hand. She gave it to him and said, "Now, that couch isn't Scotchguarded, so when you boys cum, use to coffee table to get whatever gets away from you." We both said "okay" and after another five minutes or so of beating it, I got up off the couch and onto my knees in front of the glass coffee table, placed the tissue on the table under and in front of my cock, and finished stroking myself off. After another minute, the last of seven or eight good, strong jets of semen shot out, mostly landing on the tissues, but with some overshooting onto the glass surface of the table. Aaron's mom then said, "Oh, boy....that's gotta be a relief, huh? I'll go get some paper towels and clean that up." She did so, wiping up the semen and spraying Windex on the glass and wiping them again. She then gestured for me to hand her the Kleenex. As I did, she told me, "You've got a little bit there on the tip of your penis, Steven" and deftly wiped it off with the Kleenex. She then turned to Aaron and said, "No hurry, hon...I'll wait, though, to see if you make a mess, too" and smiled at me. After a minute, he knelt, like I did, in front of the table with the rag in front of him. He soon came, not in spurts as I did, but rather dribbling out what became a considerable load neatly onto the already stained rag. "Feel better, don't you, hon?" she asked as she grabbed and folded up the rag, wiping the head of Aaron's dick as she left to throw away my mess and to launder his. We both sat there awkwardly until she came back and, noticing our discomfort, said, "Don't ever be embarrassed about feeling good. It's good for you to cum and you didn't do anything you haven't done alone a hundred times, why not with your friend?" We agreed, though as friends we never actually did it without her present. Hell, that's what got me off, don't know about Aaron.
Rating: n/a
From: Scott (more)
Comments: Speaking of crusty, my mom used to ask straight-out about my jerk sock, you know, the sock you cum into after you beat the dummy. Yeah, she'd come into my room, sometimes when I was about to make a deposit, and ask if the cumsock (that what she called it) needed to be washed. More than a few times she would have to wait a minute or two while I finished. She'd just stand there. Later, she gave me some of her old socks for the purpose, which was great because they use softer material for ladies' socks than for mens' for some reason.
Rating: n/a
From: Rockstar3F09 (more)
Comments: Im a fan of The Simpsons!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo!
From: BallBuster321 (more)
Comments: I think the game is a little okay but why does it have krusty the clown in it instead of bart ? So for bad player picks i am giving this game a 3 out of 10
From: MJ (more)
Comments: you're probably a nerd who played it 24/7 while eating cream pies.
Rating: n/a
From: action man (more)
Comments: this is a beast game. yes it does need patience, but only a noob gamer wouldn't complete the game
From: MJ (more)
Comments: not bad, but gets really tough as u progress, u need patience, which I don't have, so i never finsihed it lol, if u like strategic games try it out on an emulator, damn those rats!!!