From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Wow! The gameplay is pretty fast, I was surprised at how fast these characters from the SMS could go! This has my 10, I was really amazed by how good they looked and how fast it was. Pretty much the best 8 bit fighting game IMO.
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: I just need a fucking bitch riding a cock. It gets me up everytime. Added effect if she is doing it behind her boyfriend back and enjoys it more. There's something about thinking you're such a badass that you get to fuck all the women even those that are really in love.
Rating: n/a
From: Will (more)
Comments: Speaking of bad porn, too much fake shit nowadays. Have we gotten so lazy that we can't even come, I mean cum, up with original ideas for porn? Worst thing is, people are out there paying for that shit.
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Beh. Porno should be about sex.
Rating: n/a
From: Scott (more)
Comments: I tried to watch some of that porno where chicks wrestle around and shit, but it didn't really do anything for me. What was the problem? Well, they were pretty much just wrestling, that's what. Sure, you'll see tits and some occasional slit action, but they're not really doing anything else. Very disappointing.
Rating: n/a
From: Ed. Pakenham (more)
Comments: I and my moldering corpse must respectfully disagree with Mr. Pickaxe regarding the matter at hand.
Rating: n/a
From: Paul (more)
Comments: You have a healthy imagination.
Rating: n/a
From: Paul (more)
Comments: Masters of Combat? I guess it's safe to assume that it's not about the Dutch, then.
Rating: n/a
From: deathadder x (more)
Comments: It's amazing. The controls are great. The graphics are great, The music is great. And the overall gameplay is just great. Couldn't recommend this rare gem more.
From: Larcen (more)
Comments: An impressive head-to-head fighting game for a 8-bit!
From: Ticker (more)
Comments: This is an okay fighting game but nothing special. The special moves, graphics and sound are pretty good. The main problems are the controls, instead of pushing up on the D-pad to jump, you need to press one of the buttons!? It's very awkward. The moves sometime don't respond quickly enough and it can be hard to see who's hitting who since the sprites are pretty small. It's okay game. It's pretty rare but its not worth spending huge amounts of money on.
From: Timbo (more)
Comments: Its a beatemup sf style 4characters special moves wanted it 4 christmas n birthday both were big dissapointment isearched in vein to find it refusing 2 accept my comsole was dying out this is now my holy grail of ms games
Rating: n/a
From: Swift (more)
Comments: Never heard of this one ... :s
Rating: n/a
From: Jim (more)
Comments: I wanted this game for christmas but the sms was dying out were i lived couldnt get it anywere
Rating: n/a