From: Paul (more)
Comments: To the person below (from twenty years ago) that was on level 37 and was wondering how many levels there are in Penguin, the answer is roughly 40,000. It's actually like 40,390 or some such shit, but I forget the exact number. Regardless, if you complete the game and send a picture of the screen as proof to Sega you'll get what's called a "Certificate of Achievement" in return. Evidently they still do this. For whatever reason, the certificate is signed by the Emperor of Japan. In my day it was Hirohito, of course.
From: YEETY (more)
Comments: This game is straight BUNS. Polar Bears fucking Penguins?
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Ray? More like Gay
Rating: n/a
From: Paul (more)
Comments: To your question, 1) it's a stupid (albeit good) video game not a work of natural history, and 2) the fucking penguins in the game are FROM SPACE! Why don't you bitch about that, tool.
Rating: n/a
From: Ray (more)
Comments: Bitch, ain't nobody putting penguins in a stew! And why the fuck are there polar bears in this game? Polar bears: northern hemisphere. Penguins: southern hemisphere. Bastards.
Rating: n/a
From: Paul (more)
Comments: Yes, anything with penguins in it is better than anything without penguins in it. Unfortunately for them, this includes things like stew.
Rating: n/a
From: Rain (more)
Comments: I love this game. it's cute and it includes PENGUINS! also a good puzzle game, allthough i find that hawk that drops things sooo damn anoying and unessesary
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: It is normal you guys. Just go and read MGTOW. I haven't suscribed tough.
Rating: n/a
From: Scott (more)
Comments: Same here.
Rating: n/a
From: Paul (more)
Comments: Me too.
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: I'm lonely.
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: I played a lot of Fire'n Ice. I bet this penguin game is not that bad too.
From: Danny (more)
Comments: Fun game for the most part. Very frustrating at times, but winnable. You never get the feeling that it is impossible to win like you do with many other games, or at least I did.
From: Steve (more)
Comments: Have you returned to lead this site into a new Golden Age of game reviews and sick stories?
Rating: n/a
From: Greg (more)
Comments: Penguin Land is better addictive, though not as addictive as a morphine drip as I found out. I'll rate it an 8, deducting 2 for the Penguin being blue.
From: Steve (more)
Comments: I can't believe you deleted the touching story about my mother sexually abusing me! Monster!
Rating: n/a
From: Paul (more)
Comments: No, you shut up. I've been here, keeping this site alive to some degree, where you been at, homey? I know it ain't no job. I know you ain't been with no bitch 'cause even the lowest fleabag whore has more self-esteem than to let an ass-clown like you climb all over her and give her the old two-pump-and-dump. Fuck.
Rating: n/a
From: Paul (more)
Comments: Blue penguins from outer space...brilliant.
From: Steve (more)
Comments: I will always have a special place in my heart for Penguin Land. It came out when I was thirteen or fourteen, can't remember for sure now, but it was a rough time in my life, lot's of bullying, trouble at school and the like. Penguin Land help me get through some really dark days. Sometimes, even this great game wasn't enough to get me out of a funk. When I would be really, really down my mother would help out by masturbating me, usually right after I would come home from school. She could always read my face to see how the day went and how miserable I often was. On those bad days she would tell me to go over to the couch, take down my trousers, and lay down face up. Then she would walk over and kneel beside the couch, rub my head, and tell me I was a sweet boy and that she loved me very much. She would then take her top off as well as her bra, not sure why, and start stroking my penis. Her breasts would jiggle wonderfully as she did so. She would always have me tell her when "it" was going to "shoot". Always "it", not "you", as if "it" were somehow separate from the rest of me. In any event, it never took very long, five minutes at the most, before one jet of semen after another shot out of my penis. She'd keep stroking until it was over, squeezing the last bit out. Whatever got on her hands she would lick off, the rest she would wipe up with her shirt or blouse. After that, my mother would go get a clean top and get back to whatever she had been doing before I got home, making dinner, cleaning, whatever. It did make me feel better, I must say, but odd, too.
Rating: n/a
From: nicely played (more)
Comments: fun, but not too much. It was a challenging game. But, for an 8 year old kid to have the responsibility of another life (egg) it was too much responsibility...no seriously though it got boring because it was just a slower paced game that was more of a puzzler than action which I had no control over since I didn't buy it for myself. Worth a play though that's for sure.
From: ninjataki21 (more)
Comments: shit! no comments on this cool game for another 2 years!! i even got married since the last comment.. i still think this game was awsome value
From: ninjataki21 (more)
Comments: no comment for 2 years!!! i so absolutely loved this game!! i thought the battery backup ram feature was so cool:> i played it to death and clocked it heaps :] good value :]
From: bucket (more)
Comments: i loved this game as a kid! I want to own it again, boy do i miss it!
From: comando (more)
Comments: i have to say although i never played this game it looks good fun.
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: I have to agree with you on this one, killing those bitch-ass polar bears was very satisfying. Sadly though, real polar bears may soon follow them into oblivion due to global warming.
Rating: n/a
From: Marc (more)
Comments: Love this game. I always liked squishing the polar bears in the blocks and watching them roll around on their backs. I hated that stupid hawk though that would fly in and drop a brick on your precious egg. DAMN YOU HAWK!!!
Rating: n/a
From: nicole (more)
Comments: I like this game
From: Jossee (more)
Comments: This little penguin went outside, This little penguin stayed home. This little penguin CAME OFF!
From: Sam (more)
Comments: Eugh.... why the hell did i do that? it was just so discusting... sweaty and fat too.
From: Niggaman (more)
Comments: No one tells you to fight off the fucking penguins! Haha! No one dares you to! Haha! Motherfucking penguins!
From: Butters (more)
Comments: I really thought this would suck, but I played it on an emulator and it was pretty cool.
From: Sam (more)
Comments: My sister keeps asking me to get this, and rainbow islands. Why ? why? i bet she likes it.
From: the cloudmaster (more)
Comments: all-time sms classic!
From: Sam (more)
Comments: Eins Zwei Drei, count with me John? ... Ok... Ok this is the master race!!???
From: matt (more)
Comments: Sexybitch you really are sick aren't you this game is good.One star?? You're probably the kind of person who likes playing Chuck Rock.I'll just put it down to your mental problems.It's a cool fun game.
From: Sexybitch (more)
Comments: Ever seen a woman have sex with a penguin? I have... I masturbated to the video.
From: Ethel (more)
Comments: I love this game, wish i could play it on the net...back in the 1990's we usto have this. Glad to see it still here. Taikuu from Alaska
From: pondermuffin (more)
Comments: Never take a shit on girl's head on a date. For whatever reason, they tend to get upset. Don't believe me? I've tried it with several girls and the reaction of vomiting followed by a restraining order seems to be the normal sequence of events.
From: Iron Monking (more)
Comments: I have this game, its hard as hell but what do you expect. They have a gay cover and gay name so it has to make up for it with hard ass game-play. I think this is a good concept for a puzzle game, I mean its no Shinobi, or Double Dragon, but its cool if you want a challenge so hard that your brain gets sexually molested. I give it 3 Alex's
From: Penguin (more)
Comments: This game kicks ass...Don't talk shit!
From: Asshole Edward (more)
Comments: "....what the fuck is this?...." those were my exact words when i first laid eyes on the dreaded penguin land, i dont why some people like this game, i think its friggin impossible and frustrating like ten, and its fuckin GAY...i mean c'mon.... penguin land? gimmie a break, bitch! 2 alexs
From: JEW.S.A (more)
Comments: i hope the americans blow the middle east off the map. Death to muslims and all A-rabz
From: Ro (more)
Comments: Yesss!! I finally Found this game today at a Microplay.
From: Grizzly Adams (more)
Comments: I do have a beard. Stop asking.
From: piranhaman (more)
Comments: i so absolutely loved this game!! i thought the battery backup ram feature was so cool:> i played it to death and clocked it heaps :] good value :]
From: Me (more)
Comments: Stupid egg always breaks. It makes me want to eat vegetables all day long.
From: sam the games m (more)
Comments: this is the fuckin best game in the world i first played it wen i was 5 and i was hooked i aint played it since and i cant find a fuckin download of it so if neone got a clue to where to get it plz email me
From: Ro (more)
Comments: If you love this game, check out Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg for the Gamecube! Billy Hatcher is more reminiscent of this game.
From: LaFemmeVelveeta (more)
Comments: One of the greatest of Master System games. A challenging game to say the least, but a rewarding one also. It is kind of funny when Overbite is wearing the sunglasses and taking drags off a roach and I know it's wrong to speak ill of the dead, but that ghost was a prick.
From: Freddix (more)
Comments: Good game :) I played it many time in the past
From: Quim Nuts (more)
Comments: The best thing about this game is when you break a rock with a ghost in it and the ghost turns Overbite into a beatnik. The sunglasses are pretty cool, but nothing on any SMS game can beat the sight of Overbite taking an immediate smoke break every time you release the D-Button. It amuses me to no end. I like to think that he's smoking marijuana, but I guess we'll never really know.
From: Ro (more)
Comments: This is such a cute game. I DEFINITELY gotta add this game to my SMS collection.
From: whatthefuck (more)
Comments: Sorry to have to write an actual review of a game instead of attacking someone else, but this game is one of the best ever created for the Master System. Does anyone know how many levels there are, though? I figured there were only thirty because the level selector only goes that high, but right now I'm on level 37. How much longer do I have to go? I rate this game a nine because the music gets fucking annoying after a while.
From: Polar Bear (more)
Comments: This game is bullshit! Polar Bears are portrayed as vicious monsters, killing penguins and smashing their eggs. This is nonsense. I've never ever seen a fucking penguin! Penguins live almost exclusively in the southern hemisphere whereas I, like the rest of my kind, live in the Arctic. Nice going, Sega! No drilling in ANWR! Fuck you Bush!
From: Killer Whale (more)
Comments: I eat penguins. Good game though.
From: Wi Wi Jumbo (more)
Comments: This is a very rare game indeed. I completely suck at it, but it's still fun. There are very few games that can be difficult without becoming unbearably frustrating. Offhand, this is about the only one I can think of. Great game.
From: KickAss (more)
Comments: YEAH! Great game. I was f***** good in it ;) Think i have to play it again... By the way: THIS PAGE ROCKS !!! :D
From: Ro (more)
Comments: This game got recently launched on a cell-phone. (which is actually a port of the Sega SC-3000) I still gotta find this game!
From: Mario the WOP (more)
Comments: Hate this game. I was a stupid 9 year old kid that got suckered in by the penguin on the front cover. played this game probably 4 times ever and put it away, waste of money.
From: Segacollection. (more)
Comments: This is actually better than the arcade version (the version thats on Sega Ages mem. selection volume 2 - Saturn import) I like penguins and this game is simple but fun. Nice one..
From: tsai (more)
Comments: gooD!!!
From: jb (more)
Comments: one of my best sms games it was so very very good
From: Lou (more)
Comments: One of the most memorable times as a kidd.....heck I still play it! Whats unbelievable is that my battery on this game STILL works. Ahh....editing your own mazes with a girls name whom you liked at that time...WAIT! Truly one of the best puzzle games EVER. This Game is on my top 100 of ALL TIME!!!
From: PickHut (more)
Comments: The most memorable game I played on the SMS ( that\'s cause I saw my father played it all the time ).
From: SMS Gamer 86 (more)
Comments: You have to give this game a change. It really is terrific and I\'ve never seen another like it. The name sounds very bad, so just bare with it. The trick is to get your egg down to the bottom without letting it get smashed. A puzzle game like no other. I really with I would of held on to this one, it was great. Anybody wanna sell?? It gets an 8.
From: Irwin (more)
Comments: I borrowed this game from my friend at school back in the days and I liked it. I miss my sega master system!
From: Segacollection. (more)
Comments: Ah! Good old DokiDoki Penguinland.. Its a pretty fine game and its better then the Arcade version (which Ive played on Saturn Sega Ages Mem Selection v2) The option to create your own levels certainly is a nice one.. Segacollection.com
From: Ro (more)
Comments: I never knew that this game was released on the Nintendo Game Boy in Japan. I gotta import this game for my Game Boy.
From: olde (more)
Comments: if your after this game go to www.edgeemu.com you can download a rom of it their then you need an emulator you get one fomr their too or www.emuunlim.com have fun olde
From: Mathew Moore (more)
Comments: This is a wonderful strategy/platform game with incredible graphics and brilliant original gameplay. Plus, you get to design your own levels. Too bad this didn\'t catch on. It\'s terrific.
From: darkhorse (more)
Comments: this is one crazy ass game. but its rocks!
From: Master of Puppe (more)
Comments: I cry when a game so wonderful as this hits the market. Too bad semi porno and violent anime is taking over the video game world.
From: hector chan (more)
Comments: here's a unique easter egg(anyone say that anymore?) anyway,this only works on first gen SMS with NO games built in to the system at all. first, plug in another game.turn the power on, and wait for the game's title scren to appear.then(with the power still on) Quickly pull the game out and replace it with penguin land. then the SEGA mark III logo will appear on the screen inatead of the SMS logo. the game will boot up as "penguin rando:uuchidaibouken" translation: penguin land:great space adventure.
From: Eric (more)
Comments: I loved this as a kid. It was totally goofy shit. Also loved the battery back-up. First of its kind!!!
From: Lennon Bale (more)
Comments: this was my child hood favorite i rember it like yesterday the funnest part wasmaking my own levels id realy like to get a copy or download a ROM of it
From: Doc (more)
Comments: I remember this game! It was great, because it had the level editor. I used to make levels that looked like stale cat turds, and the fat ass of my 8th grade math teacher!
From: tschabi (more)
Comments: jo,jo,jo-ist ein geiles game und fürs master absolut top!!! und jetzt alle losrennen und kaufen!!!!sofort!!!!!
From: tschabi (more)
Comments: jo,jo,jo-ist ein geiles game und fürs master absolut top!!! und jetzt alle losrennen und kaufen!!!!sofort!!!!!
From: NetLink-1 (more)
Comments: Great puzzle game! Lead your egg to the bottom of the board and watch out for deadly creatures. The creatures will destroy your egg with one punch. Very challenging. Game makes you think too. Also fun and addictive!
From: Matt (more)
Comments: Super game this, a top effort all round, still one of the best games around!!!
From: TheUnknown (more)
Comments: I like this game. It is even better using the pick a level cheat. If you think what I just said was stupid Email me please.
From: stephen. G. (more)
Comments: tis game is really good an the penguin is really cool, ((((((secret cheat))))) -(;-, TURN THE MASTER SYSTEM OFF THEN HOLD DOWN A+B AND LEFT AND KEEP THEM HELD DOWN THEN TURN THE MASTER SYSTEM (try it a few times) and a mystical secret maize game will appear in monochrome where you play as a snail,(The furthest I ever got was level four or five) P.S. ONLY WORKS FOR MASTER SYSTEM 1'S.
From: JJShireman2 (more)
Comments: Very good game
From: Ro (more)
Comments: What a cute game. It's so fun to play as a cute penguin, but BEWARE! This game is highly addicting
From: Ro (more)
Comments: What a cute game. It's so fun to play as a cute penguin, but BEWARE! This game is highly addicting
From: Wilburt (more)
Comments: Awesome one. One of the few games my mom was into (my mom was and is really into Teddy Boy, she is probably the only perosn over 50 who has been into 1 SMS title for over a decade. thats weird) But Penguin Land is a cool one in my book. I wasnt really into it in my kid days in Minnesota and Rhode Island, but now its very good.
From: Kid Icarus (more)
Comments: I like this game because for one thing it never gets old. The level creator is a great feature. The game is pretty fun. I think it was influenced by the Pengo arcade game, but I'm not sure. It's a great puzzle game.